Activity 4.2 Environmental Policy Frameworks
Framework Research
My Environmental Policy Framework
Identity/Characterization - “Who am I?” and “Who are they?” concepts, plus combining the cultural and demographic frameworks into these and making them one. This deals with how a person sees themself and how they see others.
Social Control - how social issues should be dealt with and how much people depend on others to make decisions.
Fact/Technological - combining how people process facts/trust the facts and how their level of knowledge helps to manage issues and assumptions that arise from this.
Views of Nature - how someone thinks human interaction affects the natural environment.
Gain/Loss - how someone decides on something based on what they might lose or gain depending on the situation.
I chose to combine Identify and Characterization for my first one because they are similar and basically deal with the same things. You have to understand yourself and others to be able to make decisions. This is very important because you have to know yourself first before you try to learn something else. It’s the same concept as someone having to love themselves before they can love someone else. In this case they would have to learn about themselves and others to be able to understand their environment.
I wanted to incorporate Social Control because there are a lot of social issues that go on around us. These issues need to be dealt with so that people can help make the environment better. There are people who also depend on others to make decisions for them. This will help people to learn to make their own decisions so that they can understand where they stand with their decisions and the environment.
I am incorporating and combining Fact and Technological because facts and knowledge go hand in hand. Processing facts can lead to many things that make it confusing. By adding the technological part into this, it helps to manage the issues or assumptions that might arise from it. This will help to clear up the confusion that comes up from the facts about the environment.
I decided to add Views of Nature because I thought it was important to include how people think their interaction affects the environment. This could help with showing them how much of an impact they have on the environment. This is important because it could influence how someone views the effects of human interaction on the environment.
I added Gain/Loss because I think that it is an important skill to have in general. Having this skill can really show what people value the most when it comes to many decisions that need to be made. This is also important when it comes to the environment because it shows what is more valued and what is least valued depending on the loss or gain that is made.
Davis, C. B., & Lewicki, R. J. (2003). Environmental conflict resolution: Framing and intractability--an introduction. Environmental Practice, 5(3), 200-206. DAVISandLEWICKI_2003_Environmental_conflict_resolution__Framing.pdf
Bryan, T. (2003). Context in environmental conflicts: Where you stand depends on where you sit. Environmental Practice, 5(3), 256-264. BRYAN_2003_Context_in_environmental_conflict Framing.pdf
Environmental Framing Consortium. (2005). Framing choices.
Understanding Environmental Problems.
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